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At PLSEA, we are continuously working on ways to engage our members, support our staff and students, provide opportunities for growth, collaborate with our community and offer social connection occasions. We are always looking for new ideas, so if you have one in mind, we would love to hear from you.


Helping Hand Badge

At PLSEA, we are dedicated to improving the professional interests and well-being of our members.  Our projects include advocating for fair contracts, reasonable working conditions and providing opportunities for professional growth. We also organize volunteer projects and social events to foster a positive work environment within the district.

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Our members are at the heart of our organization and we are committed to providing them with the best resources. We created this website to offer a one stop shop for our members to access a wealth of information about our organization, services we offer and to highlight the amazing work of our members.

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We believe that we are stronger together and our projects reflect this philosophy. We work collaboratively with our members to make a positive impact on education for our community. From advocating for better funding to promoting diversity and inclusion, and supporting our staff and students, we are committed to making a difference.

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